In order to keep you informed of PA's Health changes, we have provided this resource.
1) The Department of Health’s website has changed:
The website may be reached at the following link
The Division of School Health no longer has the capability to make entries/changes to the website but may ask the person with that capability to make entries.
If the information being sought cannot be found, it may be housed under “E-Library”. Select “E-Library” then select the spyglass on the top right corner of the page and enter the topic being searched for. This page is periodically updated and will take some time to load all the information.
2) The office for Sheri Mountz RN school health nurse consultant has relocated:
Sheri is the school health consultant who serves schools located in the NE, NC and SW counties. Her phone number has been changed to: 570-892-4080. Her email remains unchanged and is
Sue Templin RN is the school health consultant who serves schools located in the SE, SC and NW counties. Her phone number is unchanged: 717-787-8092. Her email remains unchanged and is
3) EpiPen’s expiration date extended:
The FDA has extended the expiration date, by 4 months, for select 0.3mg EpiPen auto-injectors manufactured by Mylan. Select the following link to access the brief released by the FDA on August 21, 2018, see the affected lot numbers and contact information for further questions.
More critical updates may be found on the attached document.