EITC/OSTC Support Rally May 7thIt is not too late for you to consider bringing a group to the Rally. The Rally is on May 7th at noon on the front steps of the Capitol. This is a significant event that communicates a message to legislators that the EITC program is very important to us. By not engaging in this event, we communicate a dispassionate interest on behalf of the program and a missed opportunity to honor legislators that have fought hard to advocate on behalf of this legislation. I have personally talked to many legislators that feel like we have not been good at saying thank you for their EITC efforts of support. This is a day for us change these perceptions! To show up in force and to schedule an appointment with your senator or representative is a small way to not only let them know we are paying attention, but that we will support them when they take on a position to support Christian school education. If you are on the fence about attending, think about the incredible educational opportunities that are available for this kind of trip. Posted on the www.acsipawebsite is a Harrisburg resource sheet that will give you plenty of ideas for you and your students. One great example is Representative Saccone’s faith oriented tour of the Capitol video. This is a must see for every PA student! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4buWaf384tk&feature=youtu.be . Although we know spring schedules are difficult, let me suggest that you find a teacher or parent in your school that could help facilitate the trip. Make time to be a part of something bigger than yourself as this is a wonderful opportunity to be salt and light in an area that needs us.